Icon Designs
For Climable's site icons, I created custom icons with Adobe because Climable's projects are unique, so there are not currently existing icons for some of their work such as microgrid development.
I developed sketches for the categories that Climable wants to emphasize in their "About" pages on their website. I had Climable staff vote for their favorite icons for each category to decide on which to finalize.

Final Icon Designs

Microgrid Graphic
I also developed a Microgrid graphic for Climable to utilize for their "Learn" page on microgrids.

Empowered Community Illustration
To make this graphic for the "What We Do" section on Climable's website, I discussed with the staff members about their hopes for the environmental justice communities that they work with. The resulting illustration depicts a thriving, warm community full of love, education, space for play, plenty of trees, and clean energy (solar, in this case)!